St. Francis on the Hill is an open, fully inclusive community of people journeying in faith together and trying to better understand God’s vision for our lives. We believe that God’s love covers every one of us, and we aim to be the hands and feet of God however we can.

We are a welcoming community because this is a characteristic of the God we serve. As we see in the example of Christ, we welcome and cherish people regardless of race, gender, age, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender expression, education, economic circumstances, family configuration, physical ability, or immigration status. We believe Jesus Christ to be the incarnation of God’s love - the God who is reconciling and offering hospitality to the entire world. We strive live more fully into His call of radical, all-encompassing love.

“To work for a just world where there is nor servitude, oppression, or alienation is to work for the advent of the Messiah.” - Gustavo Gutierrez